If you’ve got the opportunity, USE IT.

What better way to learn about another culture then to see it?  Technology in the class room can bring any culture to you.  By using Skype to have children communicate with other children all over the world is an amazing opportunity.  After looking over many of the ideas on the 100 Inspiring Ways To Use Social Media In The Classroom website I can’t imagine not agreeing.  The website has ideas for incorporating social media into elementary classrooms as well as college classrooms.  No matter what the age, kids can be connected.

Ideas like using twitter for scheduling reminders, Skype for talking with parents, Facebook for literature, I think are all fantastic.  These are things kids are already using which would make a friendly and comfortable environment to put them to use in school as well.  Not all parents are using these things but can, more than likely, be encouraged to.  With parents busy schedule, meetings with teachers may not always be possible, social media allows meetings or discussions to take place within the comfort of ones own home when they get the time.

I know that doing something so new may be scary to some teachers but it is totally worth it!  I found this video on YouTube and thought this guy was kind of fun to listen to and hear his reasons for why bringing Skype into the classroom is a great idea, and how learning from kids in other places is so beneficial!

There are so many reasons why it is a great idea, so many opportunities waiting.  I can’t wait to be part of making it happen!